Is GLOPERBA® right for you?

People with the following conditions may be more likely to develop side effects with regular doses of colchicine


Moderate-to-severe kidney disease

May also be called chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Stomach/intestinal sensitivity

Like stomach ulcers, heartburn (GERD), and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

People with these conditions, especially older adults, may benefit from low dose GLOPERBA


How to get started

When you fill your prescription, your pharmacist will give you a bottle of GLOPERBA.* Ask your pharmacist for a dosing syringe. Use the syringe to measure the “just right” dose your doctor prescribed you.

Take GLOPERBA exactly as your doctor tells you to take it. If you are not sure about your dosing, call your doctor.

*GLOPERBA does not come with a pre-filled syringe.

Take GLOPERBA daily, for as long as your doctor prescribed, even if you feel better
GLOPERBA can be taken with or without food
at room temperature
GLOPERBA has a pleasant cherry taste
With a “just right” dose of colchicine, it’s easier to start and stay with treatment to prevent painful gout attacks and avoid the dangers of untreated gout.